Aihss.... ppl use to say money hard to earn....u need to work hard to get money. Now u give me money to work i also dun wan adi... now my life is stress up with teaching in schools and privately, orchestra, college classes, piano class, violin class and PRACTISING.
Kinda regret to start teaching 2 years ago. Now i wanna let go my students also can't adi. Must continue!! We ( teachers ) in PTC gonna boom someday! Students juz passing to us like nobody buisness..... Teachers also human ok!! We work for u 6 hours each during weekends ( no break in between, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. ) is freaking tired adi!! and now still wanna add!! mayb u think 6 hours is just so short time but is really soo tired ok!! dealing with students is really waste of energy mentaly and physically especially if the students is DAMN NAUGHTY!! Scream around and chase around the students is just freaking exhausted.
My time is full, teached 13 students in total (not counted privately), 12 during weekends and 1 on wednesday. And yet the school is keep on convincing, and... "force" us ( teachers) to take up students... ..soon i'll get crazy!!
Colleagues life in PTC
One of my colleague doing full time over there. Work Starting 9 a.m. to 9p.m. almost everyday!!
Felt kesian for her lar!! The receptionist a.k.a. auntie keep on pushing her... "force" her to take students. She dead tired adi la... summore want her to teach. She's soft and seldom voice.. she her ownself dun wan to take so many students also didn't voice out. Even the time to practice her pieces ( she wanna upgrade herself by taking diploma) also no time! all pack with students students and students!!
Another colleague of mine who teachs violin was rather smart. She give banyak banyak reason to auntie for not teaching for one more day as she's teaching violin during friday and the weekends. But other than teaching in PTC she also teach in other schools. She also need a rest la!!
My friend here who teachs piano also having a bad time suffer this school. She holding a full time job as a clark and also teachs in school and privately. In the meantime she also upgrading her self by getting cerths. Other then weekends ( 9 a.m - 3 p.m.), every wed she have to go to the school to teach just ONLY 1 student. Petrol also rugi adi lar!
The boss a.k.a. C doesn't wanna hire teachers. I recommend alot teachers to her but she insist to have their own students who learn under PTC to become teachers. ( Me and the guitar teacher are expectional, we didn't learn from there before). I inform C that i wanna teach only 1 day but alot of crap reason coming out from her mouth. I'm too tired to argue about that.
The auntie is just... doing NOTHING other den cleaning the school!! Half of her job which suppose to arrange teachers time table with the students just give it to the teachers to do. Teachers have to call to the students or their parents to arrange time personally using our own handphones. AND she loves to sms teachers to call the her, so when the teachers call her ended up she asking nonsense. I kena lots of time! If students were late like 5 minutes for class the she will ask the teacher to call the student why they are late or wat so everrrr.... HALO.... this suppose to be HER JOB ... not teacher's job!! We come to the school to teach.. not to do ur job!!
Having my finals tomorow, bye
the genius is jux rite bside of uuuuuuUUUUU