
Random pics

SS mood came.. snap few pics of myself ^_^ haha

Hmmz...is been a long long long long time i didn't watch movie adi... i remember my last movie that i've watched is the forbidden kingdom... I've missed out alot of great movies like the ironman, fantasie 4, spiderman 3, indianjones, kungfu panda, get smart, the incredible hulk.. and lots more.....felt so blur when ppl ask me bout movie stuff.... -.-

Now, i wanna watch the dark knight! Saw da advertisement in tv, it seems nice wei, interested to watch together my madams?

i like this pic! it says why so serious? wahahahahahah

time table for da finals out adi. my finals start on 8.8.08 -.- olimpik day , ends on 19.8.08.. yay! :)

the genius is jux rite bside of u.....


Anonymous said...

ugly la u

SaNdY* said...

she's much more better than you, get a life.